于古老的神话时代,数艘仙舟受命起航星海寻求长生灵药,求药之舟豪掷光阴岁月,消磨身躯意志,终于盼得药师赐福。然而能够赐予长生的果实却只带来四海萧条、黎庶涂炭。直到巡猎星神岚从深渊归来,以引力为弦、辰矢满弓,一击斫断建木,才断绝了「丰饶」。 See more
山口知宏の社会運勢学・九星気学 天の気である十干、地の気である十二支、人の気である九星で宇宙の流れを読む社会運勢学。今年の宇宙の意志とともに、個人の運勢を解き明かしましょう。九星気学で見抜くあなたの運。
Louchuan (traditional Chinese: 樓船; simplified Chinese: 楼船; pinyin: lóuchuán; lit. tower ships) were a type of Chinese naval vessels, primarily a floating fortress, which have seen use since the Han dynasty. Meant to be a central vessel in the fleet, the louchuan was equipped for boarding and attacking enemy vessels, as well as with siege weapons including traction trebuchets for range…
Change , originally known as Henge (姮娥), is the goddess of the Moon and wife of Hou Yi, the great archer. Renowned by her beauty, Change is also known for her ascending to the Moon with her pet Yu Tu, the Moon Rabbit and living in the Moon Palace (廣寒宮). She is one of the major goddesses in Chinese mythology, Chinese folk religion, Chinese Buddhism, Confucianism, and Taoism. In moder…
查詢自己的農曆生日是幾月幾號? 就用線上免費的國曆、農曆轉換工具,快速換算今天、過去、未來某一天的農曆和國曆日期吧! 對照農曆、新曆最方便。
mmade hk 原創結婚公仔,手工公仔,結婚公仔,公仔訂製,布偶訂製,布偶工作坊,手工藝班,假日活動 曼囍記 m工作坊 大紅 ...
自然法 (英語: Natural law, Laws of Nature; 拉丁語: ius naturale, lex naturalis[1]),为独立于政治上的 实在法 而存在的 正义 体系。 对它的诠释与使用在历史上千差万别。 通常而言,自然法的意义包括 道德 理论与 法学 理论。 根据自然法的道德学说,在某种意义上,支配人类行为的道德规范起源于人。 See more
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